The tapped density of powdered, granular of flakey material is highly dependent on the manner in which the particles are packed together. During tapping, particles gradually pack more efficiently, the powder volume decreases and the tapped density increases.
Under controlled conditions of tapping rate, tap force (ie drop) and cylinder diameter, this condition of maximum packing efficiency is highly reproducible. Tapped density measurement (sometimes referred to as tapped bulk density, or just tap density) is formalized in a number of international standards to which both Autotap models conform.山型吸頂燈具系列
材質:金屬;粉體烤漆 適用燈管:T5 28Wx2 尺寸(長X寬X高):1184x129x50mm 專利組合結構設計,螺絲不掉落, 解決傳統燈具組裝時對孔位問題。 高空施工便利,貼心又安全。